Confetti and Martinis – Wine Club’s food pairings

Did you know that our Wine Club shipment comes with delicious food pairings?
Our friend chef Fabio from Confetti&Martinis creates four innovative yet traditional recipes each time. In the booklet, a step by step guide will help you re-create the magic of Langhe, wherever your home is.
He is also celebrating his new Show Cooking Lab in Alba where you are going to be able to participate to his classes, workshop and private dinners.
Follow his IG page @confettiandmartinis and visit their website
This is “Peas cream with Guanciale”:
Guanciale pork meat comes from the pig’s jaw, and its devotees claim there is no substitute for it. This delectable, robustly flavoured meat is seasoned on the surface with salt, pepper, sage, rosemary and garlic.
Italians love their guanciale and for good reason – the fat lends marvellous flavour to any course, you are going to be able to tell after preparing this dish.
What you need:
-400 g of fresh peas
-1l of water
-2 shallots
-olive oil
-150 g of guanciale
-two large pot
-one mixer or an hand blender
-one frying pan
How it is done:
Start by cleaning the peas, and boil them in hot water until they are tender. Clean and slice the shallot into small slices, in a large pot add two spoons of olive oil and the sliced shallots, heat it for a bit, always stirring to prevent the shallots from burning. At this point add the boiled peas, stir it and then add the water, heat it till the boiling point, then lower the heat and cook it for at least 15 minutes. Add salt and pepper. Now transfer the whole in the mixer or use a hand blender to turn the peas into a smooth and silk-like cream. Now cut the guanciale into thin slices, heat a frying pan and then throw the guanciale slices and cook it until golden and crispy.
To serve:
In a deep dish put the peas cream, crush the crispy guanciale and complete it with the melted fat of the guanciale for a more deep and round flavour.
Buon appetito!