Connect and scare the virus away

How is everyone doing out there?
These are weird and scary times for many of us and we can’t help but wonder what the lesson to be learned may be. One aspect that I’ve noticed is the correlation between the skepticism toward this emergency and climate change. It seems that, despite having built a hyper-connected world we still need factual evidence to understand something is real and eventually hurting us. If it’s not in our continent, in our country and in our house, it’s not really happening. Very similar fallacies and science denial techniques were applied to both phenomena, with the only difference being the speed of the two. Climate change is a lot slower and less “visible”, but nonetheless just as pressing as a pandemic infection.
A globalized world has its advantages: it could mean more sharing, more community, more feeling a part of a whole. As we wait inside our homes, nature goes on, and by giving us hope, reminds us that adaptation and resilience are our biggest strengths.
Share your thoughts, let’s connect.