Pier and Chiara

Today we look back at where we started and we cannot be more grateful for the amazing community that we keep building day after day. We interact with so many people that follow our stories, like our posts and support us. This is so beautiful, and we sometimes feel the need to break that virtual wall that separates us from you, so we have decided to write a presentation for each other to show you a little bit more about ourselves.
I met Chiara in 2012, she was living in a Castle and a very dangerous dragon was trying to kidnap her, but I arrived just in time to slay the dragon and save her. Her first question before our first date was “Do you like wine?”, which seems to be the soundtrack of our story. At the time, she was singing with a pop band to support her classical studies as a soprano. The first thing that struck me about her, besides her looks, was her determination. She will succeed in everything she puts her mind to. Chiara is a tiny girl with good manners, but underneath that gentle smile she hides a very strong character and a very tough skin. She loves everything that is pretty but also everything that has meaning, and is extremely talented with the arts. Very competitive, very practical, very spiritual, Chiara is an entire dimension. I hope one day you will get to meet her too!
Pier has been my guide for almost 8 years. At that time he was still studying and playing bass with his band. It is not easy to describe him in a few words. Not even an encyclopaedia would be enough! The most beautiful thing about him is his personality: he’s the guy who wakes up singing a different song every morning, with a smile on his face. On the contrary, I am the worst person on the planet when I wake up, but he eventually steals a little smile even from me. He in an unstoppable learner, curious and adventurous, very determined. I have and still am learning a lot from him. Pier is my rock. He taught me how not to be scared and to show my potential to the world. He is always one step ahead, he knows what he wants and always gets it. I feel the luckiest person to share my life with him.