
Are you drinking enough Roero?
Roero is a wine region north of the river Tanaro and the city of Alba. Roero’s distinctive landscape was formed by the cattura del Tanaro (the Tanaro ‘stream capture’), the geomorphic process by which the Tanaro River changed its route about 250000 years ago. Prior to this event, the Tanaro flowed into the Po just south of Turin – about 50 miles east of the present-day confluence. Several million years before the Tanaro changed its course, this whole area formed part of an ancient sea known as the Golfo Padano. It is hardly surprisingly, then, that limestone and sand play significant roles in the Roero terroir.
Valmaggiore is one of the best single vineyards in the area, and our friends @valfaccenda are devoting all their knowledge and passion to making a wine that speaks of these hills. “SoloRoero” they say, and we’re happy to include the amazing results of their effort in our next Wine Club shipment.
It will leave Alba in May, make sure you’re in the Club before then!