Vietti’s artist label – Una Tigre alla Menta

Artist Label “Una Tigre alla Menta” (A mint Tiger)
It is said that it was Mrs. Luciana Vietti, over the years, who transmitted the passion of art to Alfredo, her husband who, thanks to his sensitivity and his intuition, soon became a fine connoisseur. For those who have not yet had the pleasure of meeting her, Luciana Vietti is the mother of Luca Currado Vietti, the current winemaker and, with his wife Elena, director of the company. Watch our Vietti Vlog to learn more (Link in Bio).
On a wine night in the 1970s Luciana, Alfredo and a group of friends decided to start the Etichette d’Autore project, which would dedicate an artist label to the best Vietti wines. After 50 years, the collection now boasts some of the most important figures in the art world like Gianni Gallo, Pier Paolo Pasolini and Renzo Piano.
The new artist label Barolo Riserva Villero 2013 is by Alessandro Piangiamore, a multifaceted Italian artist of international fame. We love the artwork and the immediacy of the title, a mental image that perfectly represents the Nebbiolo world.
We have started collecting these works of art and we’re going to share some with our Wine Club members, join us if you’d like to get some!