Wine Books

Do you even read, bro?
Learning about wine is a lifelong journey: your taste, your opinion, everything will change over the years. Working in the wine industry is by far the best way of staying up to date but cultivating your passion through education is fundamental. I try to stimulate my curiosity reading and re-reading other people’s thoughts that might challenge mine, and the result is always the same: a step forward in my wine journey.
Here’s 5 wine books I really enjoyed that I think everyone could and should read. Please share your favorites, I’m sure there’s something I haven’t read:
Hugh Johnson, Jancis Robinson – The World Atlas of Wine
Rajat Parr – The Sommelier’s Atlas of taste
Hugh Johnson – Wine
Ian d’Agata – Italy’s native wine grape terroirs
Matt Kramer – Making sense of Burgundy
Glass by @josephinenhuette